
side vs escarpment

escarpment vs side

side and escarpment both are nouns.

side is an adjective but escarpment is not an adjective.

side is a verb but escarpment is not a verb.

Word NounAdjectiveVerbAdverb
side Yes Yes Yes No
escarpment Yes No No No
As nouns, escarpment is a hyponym of side; that is, escarpment is a word with a more specific, narrower meaning than side:
  • side: an elevated geological formation
  • escarpment: a long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge; usually formed by erosion
side (noun) escarpment (noun)
an extended outer surface of an object a steep artificial slope in front of a fortification
either the left or right half of a body a long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge; usually formed by erosion
an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect)
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute
(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist
a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
one of two or more contesting groups
a family line of descent
a surface forming part of the outside of an object
a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure
a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location
an elevated geological formation
side (adjective) escarpment (adjective)
located on a side
side (verb) escarpment (verb)
take sides for or against
Difference between side and escarpment

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