
bit vs small indefinite quantity

small indefinite quantity vs bit

bit and small indefinite quantity both are nouns.

Word NounAdjectiveVerbAdverb
bit Yes No No No
small indefinite quantity Yes No No No
As nouns, small indefinite quantity is a hypernym of bit; that is, small indefinite quantity is a word with a broader meaning than bit:
  • bit: a small piece or quantity of something
  • small indefinite quantity: an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude
Other hypernyms of bit include small indefinite amount.
bit (noun) small indefinite quantity (noun)
the cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude
piece of metal held in horse's mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding
the part of a key that enters a lock and lifts the tumblers
a short performance that is part of a longer program
a small fragment
an instance of some kind
a small amount of solid food; a mouthful
a small fragment of something broken off from the whole
a unit of measurement of information (from binary + digit); the amount of information in a system having two equiprobable states
a small piece or quantity of something
an indefinitely short time
Difference between bit and small indefinite quantity

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