
cardinal vs 34

34 vs cardinal

cardinal is a noun but 34 is not a noun.

cardinal and 34 both are adjectives.

Word NounAdjectiveVerbAdverb
cardinal Yes Yes No No
34 No Yes No No
cardinal (noun) 34 (noun)
crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
a variable color averaging a vivid red
(Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes
the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
cardinal (adjective) 34 (adjective)
being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order being four more than thirty
serving as an essential component
Difference between cardinal and 34

Words related to "cardinal"

Words related to "34"

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