
stiffen vs restrict

restrict vs stiffen

stiffen and restrict both are verbs.

Word NounAdjectiveVerbAdverb
stiffen No No Yes No
restrict No No Yes No
As verbs, restrict is a hypernym of stiffen; that is, restrict is a word with a broader meaning than stiffen:
  • stiffen: severely restrict in scope or extent
  • restrict: place limits on (extent or amount or access)
Other hypernyms of stiffen include bound, confine, limit, throttle, trammel.
stiffen (verb) restrict (verb)
become stiff or stiffer place limits on (extent or amount or access)
make stiff or stiffer place restrictions on
severely restrict in scope or extent place under restrictions; limit access to by law
prevent (information) from being circulated or disclosed
Difference between stiffen and restrict

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