
vena cervicalis profunda vs vena

vena vs vena cervicalis profunda

vena cervicalis profunda and vena both are nouns.

Word NounAdjectiveVerbAdverb
vena cervicalis profunda Yes No No No
vena Yes No No No
As nouns, vena is a hypernym of vena cervicalis profunda; that is, vena is a word with a broader meaning than vena cervicalis profunda:
  • vena cervicalis profunda: a vein that accompanies an artery of the same name
  • vena: a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart
Other hypernyms of vena cervicalis profunda include vein, venous blood vessel.
vena cervicalis profunda (noun) vena (noun)
a vein that accompanies an artery of the same name a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart
Difference between vena cervicalis profunda and vena

Words related to "vena"

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