
whinberry vs bilberry

bilberry vs whinberry

whinberry and bilberry both are nouns.

Word NounAdjectiveVerbAdverb
whinberry Yes No No No
bilberry Yes No No No
As nouns, whinberry and bilberry are synonyms defined as:
  • whinberry and bilberry: erect European blueberry having solitary flowers and blue-black berries
Other synonyms of whinberry include blaeberry, Viccinium myrtillus, whortleberry.
whinberry (noun) bilberry (noun)
erect European blueberry having solitary flowers and blue-black berries blue-black berries similar to American blueberries
erect blueberry of western United States having solitary flowers and somewhat sour berries
erect European blueberry having solitary flowers and blue-black berries
Difference between whinberry and bilberry

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